Pauleanna Reid – GIRL ON TOP: Celebrity Hair Stylist, Janet Jackson Discusses Her Evolving Empire & Shares Her Success Secrets For Both Love & Life

I recently had the privilege to sit down with Janet Jackson inside her beautiful salon, JouJou Hair Studio located in Toronto, ON. When I walked through those big bold doors, I was greeted with such a warm welcome by not only the owner herself, but from her clients too! I was extremely impressed by the modern style decor and the simple details which were showcased around the room such as: pictures from her portfolio perfectly framed and centred on the walls and how every single item was neatly tucked away in its place. Surrounded by a beautiful interior which encompassed so much inspiration, I was overjoyed to have this opportunity to pick Janet’s brain about how she climbed the career ladder and established herself as a well-respected business woman for over a decade in an industry where many careers die young. Not only was I blown away by her candor, but what I admire about Janet the most is her quiet confidence. This is a woman who truly understands who she is and even with a stacked resume and multi-faceted accomplishments, she continues to strive and achieve everything she deserves. Here is her story…